
7/22/2013 - Day of Genetic Testing (中文翻譯在下面


Thanks to Angelina Jolie, BRCA1 and BRCA2 are very well known. What are BRCA1 and BRCA2? If you google it, you will find a lot of information on that. [c1] Basically, a woman's risk of developing breast and/or ovarian cancer is greatly increased if she inherits a deleterious (harmful) mutation in the BRCA1 gene or BRCA2 gene. 

While I was undergoing lots of exams and biopsies the past two weeks, my parents told me that NONE of our family members passed away from cancer. Because of that, I was never considered  a breast cancer candidate.  Anyways, since my lump was already confirmed as a cancer on 7/15/2013, today is to check if I have BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene and to evaluate the possibility for me to develop breast cancer on my right breast or ovarian cancer. 

Today I have an appointment @ 2PM at St. Jude Breast Center with Kimberly Banks.  Maggie and Kavan have some spare time to go with me. Kimberly explained the whole family genetic chart to us and tells us that most likely I will NOT have BRCA1 or BRCA2. Therefore, my chance of having an ovarian cancer is less than 5%.  Kimberly took me to the lab and got some blood sample for testing. The result will be back in about 2 to 3 weeks.


<<<<<<<<<<< 2 to 3 weeks pass by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Result shows that I really don't have BRCA 1 or BRCA2 gene. So none of my family member lied to us and I really am the special one in the family!!! 


    2013-10-18-15-57-30_deco  YA!!!! No Mutation Detected(沒有找到此兩種基因)



因為大美女裘莉的關係,讓大家對於BRCA1 跟 BRCA2這兩種基因有一些些的認識。至於這兩種基因是啥,網路上找都可以找得到非常詳盡的解釋。不過簡短來說,如果女孩子的基因裡面有帶有此兩種基因,那她得到乳癌跟卵巢癌的機率會大大增加!!




今天,7/22/2013,我的兩位好朋友Maggie 跟Kavan有時間陪我去一趟醫院,下午兩點我們來到醫院跟Kimberly Banks見面。Kimberly問了我一些問題之後跟我說,她覺得我應該不會有這兩種基因,因為機率太低啦!要是這樣,那我得到卵巢癌的機率也會下降到百分之五而已!不過我發現現在這種病真的很難說了,當你覺得不可能的時候往往都會發生,我想這一切都是"吃"出來的啦!!親谷們,要開始注意飲食,回歸清淡才是重點!好啦,那是該怎麼做基因檢查呢?電視劇還是電影上都是拿頭髮阿,嘴巴上的黏膜阿,結果我的是抽血而已!報告會在兩三個禮拜出來。


<<<<<<<<<<< 過了兩三個禮拜以後 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>






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